Monday, October 17, 2011

Thank you Universe

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they realize that they hate their boss, the real defining point comes when you decide how much and what you are going to do about it. I have had this realization many times, each time knowing fully that one day I would not have a boss, that I would be my own boss. I have half-heartedly tried this a handful of times and never gotten very far of the ground with my dreams of independence, never really having a game-plan but just knowing that I wanted it to be mine, not somebody else’s.
My most recent epitome of hatred snuck up on me and smacked me in the face like a brick wall. I had been working at a local coffee shop for the past month and a half when out of no where the owner calls me up, accuses me of stealing from them, and fires me. Me, being the emotional, shockable girl I am, could barely get a word in before the conversation was over even though the transaction had involved me calling her back because the call was dropped. I had a brief, anaemic moment where I tried to stand up for myself and insist that I had payed for everything I ever ate or drank at the store. Of course it was useless and the words ‘we’re going to have to end your employment with us’ came soon after, and that was that. I didn’t defend myself more because a) I didn’t really want to work there anymore and b) I am terrible at standing up for myself... it is painful how bad I am at it. If someone pushes the right buttons and I just happen to be feeling like a badass that day, then I will put them in there place. But when it comes down to me defending my honor on a daily basis, I let people walk all over me. I let people walk all over me like I am a piece of new shag carpet. They don’t just tread lightly. I will let those bastards run their toes through my fucking carpet pile and I will take it. This is by far my least favorite trait. I am working on it, and I am getting better, but obviously I did not take this most recent prime opportunity for self-improvement.
The part I hate the most is that I let this happen in the first place. I practically made it happen. I handed them the opportunity to give me a livelihood, trick me into thinking I have attained stability, and then rip it all away from me in one clean motion. I neutralized my personality down to a vapid, perky barista on a daily basis so I could make a measly $7.25 an hour. I passively nodded as I listened to my manager tell me how important she thinks suggestive selling is. I have always hated when someone latches onto someone else’s idea’s like that just because they are told to, just because it is easier than coming up with an idea of their own.
When I look back on the whole situation, I truly am glad that I got fired. It was as if the universe was giving me a good kick in the ass. I now see that that job was the last thing I needed, and sometimes the only person you can really rely on is yourself. I was actually starting to think that selling my time for minimum wage and obediently answering to pretentious coffee snobs was a good idea, and that needed to be stopped. I am not saying that I will never work for someone again or that having a job is a bad idea. I am simply saying that when I do have another job, I sure as hell will be respected  as a human being. Until then, it’s back to pure self-sufficiency. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Here to my Health

Since I started College, my health has been declining steadily. In August, 2009 I was lean and toned, happy and healthy. The stress, long hours of sitting in class, late, late nights, and a tighter than tight budget soon took its tolling on my physical as well as mental health. This has been going on for the past two years and now finally I am dedicating myself to doing something about it. I looked in the mirror and simply didn't recognize myself. I was lethargic, depressed, and unmotivated, problems that I know so many other Americans suffer from every day. I thought that the reason for these problems was stemming from myself, that they were caused by personal predispositions that led to being eternally depressed and tired. Though this may be true to a point, I soon figured out and admitted to myself that it was not me, but my lifestyle that was turning me into a total vegetable.
After deciding to take a year off from school and move back home to Louisville (two of the best decisions of my life) I figure that it is a major time of change for me so I might as well change for the better in every way I can. It's time to start feeling alive again. From now on I will be eating almost entirely organic food and getting AT LEAST one hour of exercise a day. I have decided to start this project and post it on my blog so people can see my progress and know that they can do it too. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to Reality

Last night while I was staying up late due to my recent sleep cycle shift where I stay up ‘til 5 and sleep ‘til 1, I went through all 1,282 pictures of myself on facebook. By the time I reached the mid 800’s I was in late high school. I almost didn’t recognize myself... I looked happy. Now don’t get me wrong, I hated the institutionalization of duPont Manual Magnet High School more than anyone I know, but in these pictures I had a spirit and enthusiasm that I haven’t seen in myself in a long, long time. The scariest part is that I didn’t even know I had lost this part of me until I saw these pictures. I thought I knew myself, but I haven’t seen the real me in almost two years.
I have grown up a whole lot since high school and I am grateful for what college has done for me. I have made some very necessary changes and seen a good bit of how the world works. But I had completely lost myself until I saw these pictures. Since moving to Memphis to go to school, my state has been declining so slowly and steadily that i didn’t even notice. A was a lobster in a warm bath. My life had become nothing but worry. All I did was stress out about what’s going to happen, where I’m going to go to school, how I’m going to make money. I was aware that I was doing this and that it needed to stop, but I had no idea I was so far gone. Like I said, I didn’t recognize myself when I saw the carefree girl in high school.
After I lusted over these pictures, fantasized about being myself once again, I decided that I am never going to do this to myself again. I am so glad I am moving back home. I am SO GLAD I am no longer attending MCA. I feel like memphis is a slow and creeping black hole that would kill me before I noticed I was dying. I stayed inside all summer because it was too hot to do anything else. I fell into a depression that was much deeper than I had known. 
I have no idea where i’m headed next, but I have to get Caroline back. I am no longer trying to think about what is going to happen in the future. I am just going to make one good decision at a time and I have faith that I will take myself where I need and want to be. I miss the girl from high school. I am never going to let my own worry and stress debilitate me that way again. I won’t let anything close to that happen ever again.
I cannot wait to be home, I have 4 days until my parents come down to help me pack up my things. I am going to use my time at home to finally start making things again. I have so many ideas and I feel like holding them all in attributed to my previous state. I am going to apply to schools and use that process to find out what degree I should pursue. I am so excited. Soon I will be healthy, happy, and creative again. Soon I will be home. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Home during Winter

out the kitchen window

frosty tree

My latest trip to Chicago, the city that owns my heart

at Bananas Foster with Lauren and Jan

On the shore of a frozen Lake Michigan

chilly water!